Being a college student isn't cheap and expenses seem to rack up quickly. Don't worry, some of our favorite stores feel our pain and offer student discounts. Check out these places whenever you are ready to do some smart shopping
J.Crew | In store 15% off of full priced items.
Topshop | 10% in store & online.
Banana Republic | In store 15% off of fully priced items.
ASOS | w/ receive free shipping.
Ralph Lauren Rugby | 15% in store & online.
The Limited | 15% off in store.
Madewell | 15% off online.
Kate Spade | In store 15% off of fully priced items.
Ann Taylor | 15% in store.
Urban Outfitters | Sign up for emails and on select dates receive 10% off.
Steve Madden | 10% in store.
Check with each store before you get to the checkout counter. Student discount policies can change. Also always keep your student I.D. accessible, most stores want proof.
Happy Shopping